Cheval de sport irlandais Croisé Hongre 14 Ans 139 cm Buckskin in Malmö
Cheval de sport irlandais Croisé Hongre 14 Ans 139 cm Buckskin in Malmö
Cheval de sport irlandais Croisé Hongre 14 Ans 139 cm Buckskin in Malmö
Cheval de sport irlandais Croisé Hongre 14 Ans 139 cm Buckskin in Malmö

Nice pony for showing or hobby

Type d’annonce: Cheval à vendre
Identifiant de l'annonce: 4193297
Date de publication: 29.08.2024
Appels publicitaires: 442
Annonce notée: 1
7.500 €
7.500 €
Annonceur basique
23391 Malmö
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Plus d'informations

Le cheval de sport irlandais est une race de cheval de sport irlandais, dont est dérivé le cheval de trait irlandais. Pour la race trait irlandaise avec des chevaux pur-sang anglais ont été améliorés. Une nouvelle race que s'est fixé avant tout vers la cible, avec un investissement pour sauter et la ... En savoir plus sur la race de cheval Cheval de sport irlandais
14 Ans
139 cm
Concours complet
convient comme cheval d'école
est polyvalent
Sans dermite estivale


  • Anglais
  • Italien
  • Polonais
  • Suédois
  • Néerlandais
  • Espagnol
  • Français
  • Allemand
Very nice, special pony is looking for a new owner. Well ridden in both dressage and show jumping, he has mostly done dressage with me and gotten very nice to ride. He does all movements up to piaff and passage, jumps everything you tell him to (has done courses up to 110 cm with ease) and is good on the trail. Has done cross country which he also does very well, goes everywhere including in the water. Kind, doesn't buck, rear or run away and doesn't get scared of much. 

Easy in all kind of handling from the ground; showering, the farrier, transporting et cetera. He can be hard to catch in the field. Easy with other horses. No injuries as far as we're aware, healthy and has good hooves. He is currently located in southern Sweden and available for interested to come and see him or for direct exportation. Email for contact: affinitetskromatografi@gmail.com or via the phone number.
Now it's time for this special pony to find his new owner. He is well ridden, has done mostly dressage work lately but he is also experienced in show-jumping as well as cross country. He has competed 90 cm show-jumping and cross country but has a lot more potential to give. In dressage he does piaff passage and all of the work up to those movements, he has a very good base riding and is easy to both collect and extend. He is trail ridden a lot and walks everywhere you tell him to, with or without company. 

Healthy and has no history of injuries, good hooves. He is currently barefoot but he's also easy to shoe. Experienced in being transported, easy to load and stands well in the trailer. Easy in all handling from the ground, can be hard to catch in the paddock. Easy with other horses. He is located in southern Sweden, available interested to come and try him or to be sold directly.




23391 Malmö


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23391 Malmö

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