
signet 14 fois

Gorgeous, super easy going son of Vitalis

12.500 €
12.500 €
VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel Pays-Bas
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KWPN est une abréviation pour le livre généalogique de la Warmbluts Pays-Bas: « Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland ». Les poulinières de la race remontent pour la plupart à des races locales, les lourds Gelderlander ou Groningen. Les étalons sont encore fréquemment croisés avec d'autre ... En savoir plus sur la race de cheval KWPN
3 Ans
168 cm
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland


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Starbucks is a gorgeous, super easy going son of Vitalis who (like his sire Vivaldi) has left his mark on today's breeding! Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW and Vayron are just some of his famous offspring. Vitalis is known for his very workable offspring, a great will to perform and a striking use of the front legs.

Starbucks is the latest offspring of our foundation mare Wilona. This Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK and Sport mare has brought us a lots of good! Everything out of this line has a tremendous amount of go, commitment, level-headedness and handiness, which makes them exceptionally fine horses to work with! She also produced Ethel, who competed at PSG level and is dam of the licensed stallion Especial, who competed at 5* Grand Prix level under Charlotte Fry.
Starbucks is a gorgeous, super easy going son of Vitalis who (like his sire Vivaldi) has left his mark on today's breeding! Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW and Vayron are just some of his famous offspring. Vitalis is known for his very workable offspring, a great will to perform and a striking use of the front legs.

Starbucks is the latest offspring of our foundation mare Wilona. This Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK and Sport mare has brought us a lots of good! Everything out of this line has a tremendous amount of go, commitment, level-headedness and handiness, which makes them exceptionally fine horses to work with! She also produced Ethel, who competed at PSG level and is dam of the licensed stallion Especial, who competed at 5* Grand Prix level under Charlotte Fry.
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Starbucks es un magnífico hijo de Vitalis que (como su padre Vivaldi) ha dejado su huella en la cría actual. Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW y Vayron son solo algunos de sus famosos hijos. Vitalis es conocido por su descendencia muy trabajadora, una gran voluntad de rendimiento y un llamativo uso de las patas delanteras.

Starbucks es el último hijo de nuestra yegua Wilona. Esta yegua de Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK y Sport nos ha dado muchas cosas buenas. Todo lo que sale de esta línea tiene una tremenda cantidad de ímpetu, compromiso, sensatez y manejabilidad, lo que los convierte en caballos excepcionales con los que trabajar. También produjo a Ethel, que compitió a nivel PSG y es madre del semental con licencia Especial, que compitió a nivel 5* Grand Prix con Charlotte Fry.
Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement.
Starbucks est un magnifique fils de Vitalis, très facile à vivre, qui (comme son père Vivaldi) a laissé sa marque dans l'élevage d'aujourd'hui ! Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW et Vayron ne sont que quelques-uns de ses célèbres produits. Vitalis est connu pour ses produits très faciles à travailler, une grande volonté de performance et une utilisation remarquable des pattes avant.

Starbucks est le dernier rejeton de notre jument de base Wilona. Cette jument Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK et Sport nous a apporté beaucoup de bien ! Tout ce qui est issu de cette lignée a énormément d'allant, d'engagement, de sang-froid et de maniabilité, ce qui en fait d'excellents chevaux avec lesquels travailler ! Elle a également produit Ethel, qui a concouru au niveau PSG et est la mère de l'étalon licencié Especial, qui a concouru au niveau Grand Prix 5* sous la direction de Charlotte Fry.
Starbucks is a gorgeous, super easy going son of Vitalis who (like his sire Vivaldi) has left his mark on today's breeding! Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW and Vayron are just some of his famous offspring. Vitalis is known for his very workable offspring, a great will to perform and a striking use of the front legs.

Starbucks is the latest offspring of our foundation mare Wilona. This Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK and Sport mare has brought us a lots of good! Everything out of this line has a tremendous amount of go, commitment, level-headedness and handiness, which makes them exceptionally fine horses to work with! She also produced Ethel, who competed at PSG level and is dam of the licensed stallion Especial, who competed at 5* Grand Prix level under Charlotte Fry.
Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement.
Starbucks to wspaniały, bardzo łatwy w obsłudze syn Vitalisa, który (podobnie jak jego ojciec Vivaldi) odcisnął swoje piętno na dzisiejszej hodowli! Vamos Amigos, Vita Di Lusso, Valverde NRW i Vayron to tylko niektóre z jego słynnych potomków. Vitalis znany jest z bardzo łatwego w obsłudze potomstwa, ogromnej chęci do pracy i efektownego wykorzystania przednich nóg.

Starbucks jest najnowszym potomkiem naszej klaczy Wilona. Ta klacz z linii Elite, Preferent, Prestatie, IBOP, PROK i Sport przyniosła nam wiele dobrego! Wszystkie konie z tej linii charakteryzują się ogromnym wybiegiem, zaangażowaniem, zrównoważonym charakterem i poręcznością, co czyni je wyjątkowo dobrymi końmi do pracy! Urodziła również Ethel, która startowała na poziomie PSG i jest matką licencjonowanego ogiera Especial, który startował na poziomie 5* Grand Prix pod Charlotte Fry.


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VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel
Page d'accueil: vzh-horses

Plus d'informations

Virtual Zone Horses has become a renowned name in the equine industry for the sales and training of high quality dressage horses. Over the years we have a worldwide clientele and gain a very reliable reputation that we’re proud off. We have horses from 2,5 years unbroken up till Grand Prix horses. We have sold horses how competed at National, International, World Championships and even the Olympic games. We can arrange vetting’s, shipping, you can ask for references, just ask!

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VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel

