Lipizzan Hongre 14 Ans 162 cm Gris moucheté in Studniska Dolne
2 Vidéos
+13 Photos

Lipizzaner gelding

Type d’annonce: Cheval à vendre
Identifiant de l'annonce: 4182191
Date de publication: 21.08.2024
Appels publicitaires: 632
Annonce notée: 2
2.600 €
2.600 €
Annonceur basique
59-975 Studniska Dolne
+48 (0)57... montrer
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Plus d'informations

Les lipizzans porte son nom du Haras de Lipica, le site original de la reproduction de la lipizzans. Il se trouve en Slovénie, à proximité de la Méditerranée Vient habituellement dans l'univers de la lipizzans comme moule né en noir apparaît après une dizaine d'années dans un blanc pur, il est ensu ... En savoir plus sur la race de cheval Lipizzan
14 Ans
162 cm


  • Anglais
  • Polonais
  • Italien
  • Suédois
  • Néerlandais
  • Espagnol
  • Français
  • Allemand
has great movement 
Mazli is a horse for an experienced person (I am 16 years old and I can handle him well). He's a forward horse with a lot of stamina. He is great with groundwork, because he's very calm and tries his best. I sometimes go on a trail rides on him.
It is very important to me that he goes to a good and loving home. 
Mazli has 30% vision in one eye because he injured it when he was younger, but he has normal vision in the other eye.

You're welcome to see him at Studniska Horse Centrum.
has great movement 
Mazli is a horse for an experienced person (I am 16 years old and I can handle him well). He's a forward horse with a lot of stamina. He is great with groundwork, because he's very calm and tries his best. I sometimes go on a trail rides on him.
It is very important to me that he goes to a good and loving home. 
Mazli has 30% vision in one eye because he injured it when he was younger, but he has normal vision in the other eye.

You're welcome to see him at Studniska Horse Centrum.
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ma świetny ruch
Mazli to koń dla doświadczonej osoby (mam 16 lat i dobrze sobie z nim radzę). To koń do przodu z dużą wytrzymałością. Świetnie radzi sobie z pracą u podstaw, ponieważ jest bardzo spokojny i bardzo się stara. Czasami jeżdżę na nim w teren.
Bardzo ważne jest dla mnie, aby trafił do dobrego i kochającego domu.
Mazli ma 30% wady wzroku w jednym oku, ponieważ doznał kontuzji, gdy był młodszy, ale ma normalne widzenie w drugim oku.

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia go w Studniska Horse Centrum.


Annonceur basique
59-975 Studniska Dolne

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