PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
PRE Croisé Hongre 4 Ans 168 cm Bai in Galaroza (Huelva)
+2 Photos


Type d’annonce: Cheval à vendre
Identifiant de l'annonce: 4080218
Date de publication: 02.09.2024
Appels publicitaires: 1775
Annonce notée: 10
5.000 € à 10.000 €
5.000 € à 10.000 €
21291 GALAROZA (HUELVA) Espagne
+34 (0)62... montrer
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Plus d'informations

Les chevaux baroques d'origine espagnole de la race andalouse, qui s'appelle en fait Pura Raza Espanola, ou PRE en abrégé, sont considérés dans le monde entier comme nobles, résistants, courageux et orientés vers l'homme. Le nom andalou s'applique aux chevaux ayant un croisement étranger par des pur ... En savoir plus sur la race de cheval PRE
4 Ans
168 cm
English Pleasure
Equitation Portugesa


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Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement.
Hades Bravo,
Durch seine Adern fließt das Blut von PRE- und Hannoveraner Pferden.
Er hat den Charakter und das Charisma der PRE-Pferde und das Potential der Hannoveraner Pferde. Die perfekte Kombination für alle, die ein Pferd für Freizeit und Dressur suchen.
Er ist ein sehr vielseitiges Pferd, das die Erwartungen seines Käufers problemlos erfüllen kann.
Sein Charakter kann nicht süßer sein, einfach und sicher. Kein Problem mit dem Pferdeanhänger, kein Problem mit dem Hufschmied, etc. Etc.
Er hat ein großes Herz.  
Pferde wie er sind nicht leicht zu finden.

Hunderte von verkauften Pferden auf der ganzen Welt machen uns zu einem der zuverlässigsten Unternehmen in diesem Sektor.  Yeguada Sierra Onuba folgen Sie uns auf Facebook.
Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement.
Hades Bravo,
Throug his veins run blood from PRE and Hannoverian horses.
He has the character and the charisma of the PRE horses and the potential of the Hanoverian horses. The perfect combination by those who are looking for a horse for both pleasure and dressage.
He is a very versatile horse that can easily fully meet the expectations of his buyer.
His character can't be sweeter, easy and safe. Not problem with the horse trailer, not problem with the farrier, etc. Etc.
He has big heart.  
Horses like him are not easy to find.

Hundreds of horses sold all around place us as one of the most reliable companies in this sector.  Yeguada Sierra Onuba follow us in facebook.
Hades Bravo,
Throug his veins run blood from PRE and Hannoverian horses. 
He has the character and the charisma of the PRE horses  and the potential of the hannoverian horses. The perfect combination by those who are looking for a horse for both pleasure and dressage.
He is a very versatile horse that can easily fully the expectation of his buyer. 
His character can´t be sweeter, easy and safe. Not problem with the horse trailer, not problem with the farrier,  etc. Etc.
He has big heart.  
Horses like him are not easy to find. 

Hundreds of horses sold all around place us as one of the most reliable companies in this sector.  Yeguada Sierra Onuba follow us in facebook.
Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement.
Ade Bravo,
Nelle sue vene scorre sangue di cavalli PRE e Hannoverian.
Ha il carattere e il carisma dei cavalli PRE e il potenziale dei cavalli Hannoverian. La combinazione perfetta per chi cerca un cavallo sia per il piacere che per il dressage.
È un cavallo molto versatile che può facilmente soddisfare le aspettative del suo acquirente.
Il suo carattere non può essere più dolce, facile e sicuro. Non ha problemi con il trailer per cavalli, non ha problemi con il maniscalco, ecc. ecc.
Ha un cuore grande.  
Cavalli come lui non sono facili da trovare.

Centinaia di cavalli venduti in tutto il mondo ci pongono come una delle aziende più affidabili in questo settore.  Yeguada Sierra Onuba seguici su Facebook.


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