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Dexter a 5 Yr 14.2 Hand Dappled Grey AQHA Gelding

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Buckeye Acre FarmOpération cheval
Ohio 44654 États-Unis
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Plus d'informations

Le American quarter horse, appelé aussi le quarter horse, a pris naissance aux États-Unis et est la race la plus importante du cheval dans le monde. On les chevaux enregistrés trimestre 4,6 millions dans le monde entier environ. La race a son origine au XVIIe siècle, quelle riche planteur de Virgini ... En savoir plus sur la race de cheval Quarter horse américain
5 Ans
147 cm

Cheval de compagnie

Adapté à des fins thérapeutiques

pour les débutants

site sécurisé

est polyvalent

est porteur

embarque facilement

Visite d'achat disponible

Sage au ferrage


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Meet Dexter, a 2020 AQHA dapple grey gelding that stands out in both looks and ability. At 14.2 hands, Dexter is built like a tank with a solid, muscular frame and four white feet that give him a striking appearance, along with a unique touch of white on his nose. His eye-catching looks will certainly turn heads wherever he goes, but it is his versatility and hardworking nature that truly make him special. Dexter has proven himself in many areas, he has been ridden extensively in the arena, on trails, and even out on the ranch gathering cattle. With his sturdy build and reliable work ethic, Dexter is more than capable of handling a day of hard work, whether that is riding out to move cattle or tackling any job around the ranch. His strong, steady gaits make him an excellent choice for trail rides, and he has been on overnight rides, where he showed great endurance and a calm demeanor in new environments. When it comes to handling different terrains and obstacles, Dexter is always up for the challenge. He has been exposed to traffic, water, taking everything in stride without hesitation. He handles crossings and uneven ground with ease, making him a reliable mount whether you’re out on a trail ride or working cattle in challenging conditions. Dexter has three smooth and comfortable gaits, making him a pleasure to ride both on trails and in the arena. He has a good one-hand neck rein, making him responsive and easy to guide in any direction. Dexter listens well to his rider, is responsive to cues, and remains calm and collected, whether he is riding out in the open or working in more challenging conditions. Due to the rough terrain where he is often ridden, he wears shoes on all four feet, ensuring that he has the traction and support needed for a long day of riding. Beyond his skills and abilities, Dexter has a gentle, sweet personality. He loves attention and is easy to handle on the ground, always meeting you at the gate and enjoying time spent with his rider. He loves people, enjoys being pampered, and thrives on human interaction. Whether you are a seasoned rider looking for a dependable workhorse or someone just starting out who needs a steady and patient mount, Dexter is up for the task. From gathering cattle in the morning to evening trail rides, Dexter is a reliable, hard-working gelding that can do it all. If you are looking for a horse with the looks, the talent, and the heart to match, Dexter is sure to be the perfect fit for any rider. For more information, please call Duane @ 330-231-2324


Buckeye Acre Farm
Opération cheval
Ohio 44654
Page d'accueil: buckeye-acre-farm
Points focaux
Chevaux de dressage
Chevaux d'attelage
Chevaux de loisir
Chevaux de saut d'obstacles
Chevaux de Èquitacion Western
Versatility Ranch Horse
Western allround
Quarter horse américain
Cheval de trait

Plus d'informations

I started my journey in the horse industry in 1995 when I purchased my very first pony at 11 years old. I spent an entire year devoted to training, riding,, and teaching him fun tricks like laying down, sitting, and bowing. I sold him later that year; the feeling of providing a well trained, well behaved, horse was so rewarding that I felt I wanted to continue to share my gift. In 2007, I married my awesome wife Miriam, and we have been blessed with six incredible children (two daughters and four sons) that participate daily with the operation of the farm. What started as myself and a dream has become the full time commitment of my family, and ten employees. The opportunity to share our horsemanship has been so rewarding. In kind, we have been so blessed to learn from professional experts and knowledgeable friends that have voluntarily poured into us their invaluable years of knowledge.

Our program has developed, changed, and grown along the way to ensure that we are producing a quality horse that we know we can stand behind. We start by carefully evaluating each horse before purchase. We specialize in quality quarter horses, draft crosses, and also Friesian and Gypsy crosses, from performance to trail riding to leisure. 

After selection, we take the horse through our groundwork program to get connected with them as individuals. We take them through obstacles and trail ride them, exposing them to anything they may ever encounter.

Then, we give the horses a break for up to one month. This allows us to see how the training will stick with them. If they come back in the same place they were before the break we know they are ready to move through the rest of the program and become finished Buckeye Acre Farm horses, learning all of the fun crowd pleasing tricks. We feel we have one of the best soundness guarantees in the business, and we will stand behind that.

This has been an awesome journey, and God continues to bless and humble us each and every day. All of us, from our children to our employees, want to provide the best quality horses that you and your families will enjoy for years to come. Over the years we have experienced that the horse market changes, but also that a quality horse is always in high demand. If you see a horse that meets your needs, please reach out to us. I look forward to your call, and to speaking with you personally about your next equine partner. 

May God bless your day.

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Buckeye Acre Farm
Opération cheval
Ohio 44654

